Sourcing Our Gluten Free Vendors

Sourcing Our Gluten Free Vendors

Here at Nuflours we believe in voting with our dollar and are committed to the safety and quality of all our products.

This month we want to share with you a little about our process when it comes to vetting our vendors and what goes in to ensuring we have the freshest and highest quality products possible while also supporting other local businesses.

Here are some of our standards we’d like to share:

 100% Safe

First and foremost, our supplies must be 100% gluten free. We take our role as a safe gluten free establishment very seriously and never want there to be doubt as to the safety of our products or the environment they are created in.

In order for a supplier to be approved as “safe” by us, we require certain standards be met and documentation presented as proof of their gluten free status. 

Our Standard Operating Procedure for onboarding gluten free suppliers includes:

  • Supplier being required to provide documentation of gluten free status (gluten free certification of storage or processing facility)


  • If the supplier processes or holds gluten containing products in addition to gluten free, the gluten free products being sourced must maintain original packaging from original processing source, and be stored separately. 


  •  If products being sourced are naturally gluten free and are sourced from a producer or supplier that is gluten free but not certified gluten free, Nuflours must obtain raw ingredient product Specifications or a Supplier Statement for each product sourced.


  •  For ingredients that are commonly GMO or are at risk of containing GMO ingredients, Nuflours must obtain product Specifications verifying non-GMO status.


  •  For ingredients sourced outside of the United States like our vanilla and cinnamon, Nuflours must obtain product Specifications verifying product sourcing and quality prior to ingredient approval.


Buy Local

We always strive to support our regional growers and producers. Our bacon and potatoes come from the beautiful Skagit Valley, and our eggs and dairy are both produced in the northwest.

For ingredients that can't be grown locally, such as coffee, chocolate, and coconut, we purchase from local suppliers. Both of our coffee blends come from local roasteries, and our other ingredients come from family-owned, Pacific Northwest companies. In addition to supporting in-state growers and business owners, it also helps keep the food miles lower on our ingredients.


Clean-Label Products

We source clean-label products.

For example, our coconut is 100% coconut (no sugar, etc added). The same is true of our honey - it is locally sourced so that we can guarantee the quality of our baked goods. Our white sugar is 100% organic cane sugar, and our oils are all non-GMO. 

Our goal is to always use locally sourced, clean label, non-GMO, and certified gluten free vendors so we can support or local economy and our gluten free community who make all we do at Nuflours possible.


We thank you so much for your support and hope to see you in the shop soon!

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